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Five Steps to Landing a Board Role
With ESG insight in high demand across global boards, there's rarely been a better time to consider taking a seat at an organisation's top table. But how should you go about it? Seeking out a spot on a company’s board of directors is a solid career development move....
Latest Insights
Insights from Daniel E. Ingram, Head of Responsible Investing at Aon
With institutional investors...
Insights from Chelsea Mozen, Senior Director of Impact & Sustainability at Etsy
It’s a...
I’ve always loved trees. I’ve always loved hugs. But I had never actually gone tree...
Many organizations are opting to channel their philanthropic work via a stand-alone corporate...
How do I achieve buy-in from senior leadership?
It’s the question I hear over and over...
Asset management and private capital fund managers have a unique value chain that shapes their...
Job searches can sometimes feel overwhelming.
The need to scour what feels like thousands of job...
When stepping into the role of chief sustainability officer, those first 3 months can be crucial...
"A conscious leader is someone who understands their role in creating a world that works for...
I live in front of a park. This morning, I watched a toddler stroll along slowly with his mom...
I've been called a lot of names over my 53 years on this planet. But my favorite one is...
The role of chief sustainability officer (CSO) is in constant flux.
As quickly as organizational...
Unite To Ignite Scalable Change
A private space for senior sustainability & ESG professionals to accelerate your professional development and solve pressing challenges with peers

As an ICF-PCC certified executive coach, Shannon was selected as a Meta Coach to teach on Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Coach Certification course. PCC credential holders are trained, experienced coaches with a commitment to high ethical standards. Shannon is also certified in Harrison Assessments, The GameChanger Index, and Korn Ferry's ESCI 360.
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