The 4 attributes CSOs need to succeed in 2024
Feb 23, 2024
The role of chief sustainability officer (CSO) is in constant flux.
As quickly as organizational priorities shift, so too must CSOs adapt, develop new skills, sharpen their understanding of new issues and steer teams in new directions.
So, what exactly will it take for them to be effective in 2024?
There are four core attributes that’ll be critical for those in leadership in the year ahead, according to Ellen Weinreb, managing director at sustainability recruitment firm Weinreb Group, who spent time talking to leading CSOs in recent months
First, setting out strategy and allocating capital. Much of the low-hanging fruit in sustainability has already been picked. That requires CSOs to strategically identify the right next move for their organization and convince the rest of the C-Suite to invest what may be significant resources in executing that strategy effectively. Under closer scrutiny from investors, regulators and consumers, CSOs will need to be able to prioritize and balance resources to ensure the most impactful results.
Second, there’ll be an expectation that CSOs fully integrate sustainability into every function, business unit and board committee. This will require leaders to act as corporate chameleons, working closely with different stakeholders in the business, demonstrating excellent communication skills and applying a dash of creativity where needed to identify opportunities.
To achieve this, CSOs will also need superb relationship management skills, adds Weinreb. Or as Tara Hemmer, senior VP and CSO at WM puts it: "In this era, CSOs need to be educators, integrators and influencers within their organizations, and these three skills are pivotal to the future of the function." Partnering effectively with those that already have sustainability firmly embedded in their function will be a given at this stage. Far more critical will be developing strong relationships with those that are yet to see the relevance of ESG for their role, building their levels of engagement, understanding and enthusiasm.
Fourth and finally is a willingness to evolve. Believe it or not, there’s been a more than 500% increase in the number of CSOs appointed since 2011. An effective CSO in 2024 needs to accept the constantly changing scope of their role, taking an agile approach to leadership that bends to the dynamism of the sustainability landscape as a whole. Because for CSOs, the only certainty is change.
Shannon Houde is an ICF-certified coach with over 20 years as a recruiter and trusted advisor to evolving change leaders from Managers to CSOs. She has mentored and trained 1500 change leaders over 4000 hours in ESG and corporate sustainability and is the author of Good Work: How to Build a Career That Makes a Difference in the World. Apply for a trial coaching session here!