Shannon Houde presents the film HAPPY at the 6Heads sustainability shorts film festival
Dec 17, 2013
Last week, Walk of Life's Shannon Houde was invited to present at the 6Heads rapid-fire film festival, an evening of short films and clips that inspire change. Her selection, HAPPY, highlights how defining our top 3-5 values helps us to make decisions about how we behave and who we spend our time with so that we can live a happier, more purposeful life.
"What I love about this HAPPY movie is that it takes us on a journey outside of self to help us challenge our core values," explains Shannon. "We travel with the Director from the bayous of Louisiana to the deserts of Namibia, from the beaches of Brazil, to the villages of Okinawa – HAPPY explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion."
There is now a global movement of happiness full of books, movies, and scientific studies. In 1972 the Dragon King of Bhutan coined a national measurement of happiness like the GNP called the Gross National Happiness. The GNH has four pillars that are perfectly aligned with sustainability values and are touched on in this HAPPY film:
- The promotion of equitable and sustainable socio-economic development
- The preservation and promotion of cultural values
- The conservation of the natural environment, and
- The establishment of good governance
Happiness is not based on material possessions or the wealth generated by local businesses. It’s our connection to ourselves and others. Real satisfaction and meaning emerge when we recognize our interdependence and what that means in terms of how we treat one another and want to be treated. Creating good work and building healthy communities are not just things we dream about. They are what we must do to realize the happiness available to any of us willing to work for it.
With the New Year upon us, it is a nice time to reflect and give thanks for all that makes us happy. If you need help finding your calling, mapping your values to a happier career or defining work with purpose, please get in touch.