Set Your Intentions

emotional intelligence video - tips Jan 19, 2023

Video Transcript:

So 2023 is here. And many of us start to plan our year and look at our goals and get excited about our trips.

One thing I would encourage you all to think about doing is to set intentions. And this is a great word that I like better than goals, because it has a kind of a movement to it. And it also has a bit of a woowoo in terms of this belief, that I and many others share, that if you set an intention, and you put it out there to the world, it is likely to happen, that you're actually creating your future reality This can be called the law of attraction. Lots of other things, there are different ways to say it.

But I think the best word really is set intention, be intentional. And that could be about your eating, your exercise, it can be about how you're talking to people, it could be about what you're wanting in your life and how you want to feel.

And then once you've set your intention, or multiple intentions for the year, start to pay attention to how and when you're going to be living into those. So, channelling them manifesting them, a word that some of us struggle with, but it's true, you really can create your own reality by being intentional and paying attention.

So, let me know how it goes. And feel free to reach out if you want to do any coaching around these kinds of issues. Thanks a lot. Bye!

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