JR Killigrew | Head of EV Business Development North America at DNV

client stories Oct 11, 2023

J.R. was on a tight schedule to find a new job when he began working with Shannon. But by focusing his approach and leveraging his natural networking skills, he ended up as head of EV Business Development for North America at DNV just in the nick of time.

The challenge:

I had this amazing job down on the central coast of California but – because of life and COVID and wanting to be closer to family - I decided to relocate up to the Portland metro region. And I had a pretty fixed timeline. By the time I moved there I had basically four months to find a job. I'd been kind of floundering looking for jobs, getting close to things, but it just wasn’t clicking.

The solution:

I was able to sit down with Shannon and go through Phase One of her programme. She was able to help me focus my value proposition and map out my story. I think that was the one thing that I was missing, i.e. how to articulate my story effectively and concisely. I have a tendency of meandering a little bit, especially in writing about myself, so she was able to help me focus significantly.

It also helped me get into the market more effectively. I'm a halfway decent networker so she was able to calibrate that and focus and direct me towards the companies I wanted to work with. And finally, I think one of the most important things she helped me with was my bio. Just in in terms of being able to send somebody a one page bio about my key accomplishments, key traits, the values that I believe in… I got a lot of positive feedback from.

The result:

The opportunity at DNV found its way into my into my virtual door at just the right moment. It was a completely seamless transition. And Shannon was probably the main reason why I was able to get in the door and get this job.

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